Friday, 2 February 2018

From India to Indonesia - The Story of a Fortnight

A five-year hiatus and then suddenly I was travelling out of my home country again. Leaving behind familiar places, noises, smells, and the comfort of loved ones has an effect on the psyche - however short or long the trip might be. With images of Bali in my head, and impossible dreams of lounging on a beach somewhere with a martini and a straw hat, I flew with a heavy heart and fear that I might prove to be a failure  professionally.

The first week hit me like a slammer - long hours, resistance to what we were trying to implement as a pilot approach, and more that I cannot mention here. On top of it, like a husband who suddenly decides to divorce his wife after long years of togetherness, my health decided to do me in. It is my belief that only the voices of my family on the phone and my faith in God carried me forward.

A visit to the Dutch section of the city or Kota Tua (old city) as Jakartans call it, pepped me up for the second week. Fatahillah Square was a feast for the senses and it brought home the fact that Jakarta is a place where all religions co-exist peacefully, when the sounds of Islamic hymns mingled with a street disco beat. Delicious smells of fried chicken and roadside shops added to the charm. The people here are friendly and make outsiders feel welcome. There are very few weird looks or hostile glances. Jakarta can be fascinating if only you let it be....

...And slowly the tide began to turn. Mid week was a moment of pride and celebration when our work was vindicated by the local leadership and I started to yearn to go home to a person who despite all our khich-khich, is the one light I see at the end of my long tunnel.

As I write this, his face comes up in my mind and though I know we will have our daily fights and disagreements, it is to him I return, battle-weary, scarred, but with a heart that has genuine feeling...

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